Observe your health habits for a few days. Identify and discuss several behaviors you considered changing. Choose one (and only one) health behavior you would like to attempt to modify over the next four weeks, identify and discuss that as well.

Supportive Submission : SMART Goal, Barriers and Strategies to Overcome

1) Observe your health habits for a few days. Identify and discuss several behaviors you considered changing. Choose one (and only one) health behavior you would like to attempt to modify over the next four weeks, identify and discuss that as well.

2) Write a S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-bound) goal for the one behavior you would like to change. Be very specific on the behavior and how you will implement change.

3) List at least two distinct barriers that you might encounter and describe your specific plan for overcoming those barriers.

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