Choose two characters, settings, or situations from two poems. Choose poems by two different authors.Compose a 500-word comparison or contrast essay.


Choose two characters, settings, or situations from two poems. Choose poems by two DIFFERENT authors.

Title: My Last Duchess
Author: Robert Browning

Title: To his coy mistress
Author: Andrew Marvell

Compose a 500-word comparison or contrast essay.

Do not show similarities and differences; rather, show how two characters, settings, or situations are either alike or different. If you write about how two poems (characters, settings, or situations) are alike, then your topic will state three similarities. If you write about how two poems (characters, settings, or situations) are different, then your thesis will state three differences.

As is true in any 5-paragraph essay, have a good introduction with a well-planned topic statement that is the focus of your essay. Then, have 3-4 body paragraphs that support your argument . Finally, conclude your essay with a strong conclusion that sums up or restates your claim in your introduction. Use your own critical thinking skills for this essay.

You do not need to do any research for this essay. If you do quote from the poem, then cite the author’s last name and the page number from the textbook in parentheses after the quote. Make sure you put a title at the top of the first page.



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