Describe the effectiveness of written emotional disclosure with breast cancer women to reduce psychological distress.

Describe the effectiveness of written emotional disclosure with breast cancer women to reduce
psychological distress.

Summary of Introduction and method

Set the context of the Systematic Review by providing a very brief account of the background and
the method as a reminder to the reader.


Should include how many papers were identified by the search strategy and how you decided which
to include in the review. Explain how/why you selected these papers (for example, selecting the 5
most recent or those with largest sample sizes).

Details of papers included in the review should be
provided in a table as an appendix and therefore excluded from the word limit (for an example see
Table 1 in Michie, S. and Williams, S. (2003) Reducing work related psychological ill health and
sickness absence; a systematic literature review.

Occup. Environ. Med. 60:3-9 (pdf provided on
Succeed). These papers should then be reviewed and critically evaluated using the Critical Appraisal
Tool (CAT) provided.

This gives each paper a quality rating score. ( for the critical appraisal you can see ‘ Barriers to voluntary participation in sport for children: systematic review’

This section included:

1- Selection of studies
2- Study characteristic
3- Outcome measures
4- Methodological strength
5- Methodological weakness
Based on the results, what conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of your chosen
intervention for the health condition or illness under review?
This section include:
1- Discussion
2- Future research
3- Conclusion

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