What is the Australian notifiable data breach regime and why do we have it? What are the positive and the negative aspects of the notifiable data breach regime?Discuss

Australian Data Breach Regime

Legal perspectives in cyber security

At a minimum, your essay should demonstrate what legal issues you have learnt in class and from the readings you have done

Essay Question

What is the Australian notifiable data breach regime and why do we have it? What are the positive and the negative aspects of the notifiable data breach regime?

In preparing your essay, you should research and read relevant legal articles, judicial decisions and statutory laws, and refer to them in your essay where relevant. Example research materials are provided in the reading materials for the class.

The word limit for the essay is a maximum of 3,200 words, but 2,500 to 3,000 words are acceptable.

This word count:

• includes headings and subheadings;
• does not include text in the header; and
• does not include footnotes – however footnotes should be used for citation purposes only.   Substantive text should not be included in footnotes.

You are free to use the referencing style that you prefer, as long as you are consistent within the paper. That

Some of the relevant readings

https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/australian-privacy-principles-guidelines (Chapters A to C (for context and background) and Chapter 11: APP11 – Security of personal information)




The Right to Privacy

Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis

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