Identity Theft and Cyber Crime and their impact on the field of (Enterprise) Security Management.

Identity Theft and Cyber Crime and their impact on the field of (Enterprise) Security Management

Use at least the following sources

Core Reading:

Gill, M., (editor) (2nd ed) 2014 Handbook of Security, Palgrave McMillan, London
Jacobs, G., Suojanen, I., Horton, K. E., Bayerl, P. S., 2021, International security Management: New Solutions to Complexity, Springer
Swanson, C. 2020, Professional Security Management: A Strategic Guide. Routledge

Supplemental Articles and Reports:

Garcia, M. (2005) Vulnerability assessment of physical protection systems. Butterworth-Heinemann;Garcia, M. (2007) The design and evaluation of physical protection systems. Butterworth-Heinemann;
McGowan, Graeme. The Ultimate Guide to the Deep Web, London: BeCyberSure, 2016.

Hilton, Scott. “Dyn Analysis Summary of Friday October 21 Attack.” Available at

McGowan, Graeme. Time to Smell the Coffee. London: BeCyberSure, 2016.
London Chamber of Commerce and Business. Cyber Secure: Making London Business Safe Against Online

Crime. London: LCCI, 2014. Available at:
Potgieter, Andrew. “The Day the World Went Dark”, Engineering News. Available at

Vieraitis, Lynne, Heith Copes, Zachary Powell and Ashley Pike. 2015. A Little Information Goes a Long Way: Expertise and Identity Theft. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 20: 10–18.
Broadhurst, Roderic, Peter Grabosky, Mamoun Alazab and Steve Chon. 2014. Organizations and Cyber

Crime: An Analysis of the Nature of Groups Engaged in Cyber Crime. International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 8, no. 1: 1–20.

Mansfield-Devine, Steve. 2016. Ransomware: Taking Businesses Hostage. Network Security. 2016, no. 10: 8– 17.

Epiphaniou, Gregory, Epiphaniou, Tim French and Carsten Maple. 2014. The Dark Web: Cyber-security Intelligence Gathering Opportunities, Risks and Rewards. Journal of Computing and Information Technology 22, no. SI: 21–30. Available at
Nagunwa, Thomas. 2015.

Behind Identity Theft and Fraud in Cyberspace: The Current Landscape of Phishing Vectors. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics. 3, no. 1: 72–83.
Geller, Tom. 2016. In Privacy Law, It’s the U.S. Vs. the World. Communications of the ACM. 59, no. 2: 21.

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