Create a drawing that presents a visual depiction of different representations of teachers. Write your personal teaching statement in response to these representations.

 Personal Teaching Statement

Expanded Task Description

As you begin your teaching degree you will hold views about what a teacher is, what they do, and what makes an effective (and ineffective) teacher. These beliefs might be based on your prior experiences from your schooling, images of teachers represented through the media, popular culture, or what others may have told you about teaching.

These representations of teachers will shape your motivation for being a teacher and influence the development of your philosophy and personal teaching statement. This assignment asks you to engage with and reflect on this impact.

Create a drawing that presents a visual depiction of different representations of teachers. Write your personal teaching statement in response to these representations.

Use content and literature relating to teacher representation critiqued in this unit to discuss how representations of teachers will continue to shape and craft your career while acknowledging the role resilience and ongoing professional learning will have in the reshaping process.

Articulate your personal teaching statement in tutorials for internal students and in zoom sessions for online students.

Learning outcomes measured This task will assess your:

1. Knowledge and understanding of the importance of resilience and ongoing professional learning for teachers.

2. Knowledge and understanding of key content from this unit relating to your emerging identity as a professional educator.

3. Developing understanding of personal and professional values and beliefs and how these relate to teachers’ practice and teacher identity.


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