Select two buildings, neither of which is not pictured in the textbook “Culture and Architecture”.Create a fact sheet for each detailing its title, location, date, period and/or style, the builder, its particular construction materials and methods, and cultural significance.


Select two buildings, neither of which is not pictured in the textbook “Culture and Architecture”. from two separate periods (one from Prehistoric to 1400; one from 1400-current)

Create a fact sheet for each detailing its title, location, date, period and/or style, the builder, its particular construction materials and methods, and cultural significance.

You must fill a full page. The information should be presented in a clear and concise manner. If you wish to use graphic software to enhance this format you may do so.

You may use a second page. Reference citations are highly recommended.


Select a building with which you have some connection: you have visited it, you plan to visit it, or it is related to your intended field of study, etc. It must not be a building that is pictured in the textbook. relationship to the student.

Format: See page 7 of syllabus.

Submission: Through Canvas; pdf or MS Word format No MAC Pages format. No Google Docs.

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