Select the questions and activities  that are most relevant to your service, and work with your team/colleagues to develop an approach and action plan for putting values into practice. Illustrate how your approach and action plans are seeking to embed equality and diversity into your values in practice.

Application of your learning

There are three pieces of work-based evidence required for this module, each with a maximum word count of 500 words.

Evidence of work-based application should be written in the first person. When addressing this assignment, you need to ensure that you demonstrate the following outcomes:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theories and practice of reflective practice.

Apply theories and methods of reflective practice

Demonstrate reflexivity in your leadership practice

Demonstrate how your leadership practice improves and sustains care quality.

WBA 1:

Demonstrate practical skills to embed diversity, equality and inclusion in your leadership practice

Demonstrate taking responsibility for aligning the values of individuals and team with those of the organisation in context

(500 words. Minimum 6 reference sources)

WBA 1:  Living the Values

In module 3, you undertook a learning activity called Living the Values (Week 1-2: Activity 10, Living the values).

In this activity you watched a video ( ) and reviewed a number of guides available from the NHSI on putting values into practice. In each of these guides there were questions and activities that helped put values into practice.

For this piece of work based evidence, you need to select the questions and activities  that are most relevant to your service, and work with your team/colleagues to develop an approach and action plan for putting values into practice.

Illustrate how your approach and action plans are seeking to embed equality and diversity into your values in practice. The assignment is a reflective summary of the approach you and your team/colleagues have taken. Also include your action plan as an appendix.

Writing for application and reflection

The purpose of the evidence you provide is to demonstrate how you are putting your learning into practice at work. This ‘application’ might be reflective, practical or it might relate to enhancing or developing your personal qualities.

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