In a written assignment, briefly describe the article’s content and explain how the article relates to the course material in the chapter you chose. In your explanation, define or describe the advance in medicine that relates to our course content. Be sure to use complete sentences and proper paragraph organization in your answer.

Locate and summarize a reliable internet article that relates to any of the following topics.

Chromosomes and Cell Division; Genes and Inheritance; or DNA, Gene Expression & Biotechnology. Select one topic to cover.

Follow these steps to complete this assignment:

2. Locate a reliable internet article that deals with one aspect of the course material from chapters 6, 7, 8, OR 9. Your article must be an authored site . The article’s content should relate to an advance in medicine that impacts human health.

3. Read the article.

4. In a written assignment, briefly describe the article’s content and explain how the article relates to the course material in the chapter you chose. In your explanation, define or describe the advance in medicine that relates to our course content. Be sure to use complete sentences and proper paragraph organization in your answer.

5. Turn in your double-spaced assignment (10-12 point font). Appropriately reference the article you use for the assignment using MLA format.

6. You must submit a working link to your article as part of your written assignment.

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