Write a 4-5-page essay discussing pharmacological treatment interventions for a specific mental health disorder.

Write a 4-5-page essay discussing pharmacological treatment interventions for a specific mental health disorder.

Use the readings from previous units. and at least three academic sources from the Library. Use the format of diagnosing found in Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders. Your paper should synthesize the readings you have completed so far that apply to the topic and should reflect how this synthesis will help you apply what you are learning to your own work in the profession.

Read the following case study:

David is a 19-year-old, Hispanic, mechanical engineering student attending university in the Atlanta area. Since beginning his second year of school, he has been having trouble sleeping and has become more withdrawn. His parents recently contacted his adviser because David had been calling his mother over a dozen times a day.

Her concern was that he made little sense when he spoke to her and was becoming verbally abusive when she asked him to get some help. She states that he is convinced that his roommate has been putting something into his food and is practicing “black magic” on him. She mentioned that David had had been hospitalized previously because of “stress” and a “breakdown”. David’s grades have suffered this term and his professors report that he does not go to class and if he does, he sits in the back and appears to be talking to himself.

The adviser has asked David to come into their office today to discuss the matter. David appeared haggard, unkempt, and had apparently not showered in a while. At first, David seemed defensive but as the adviser reminded him that she had spoken to his parents and was there to assist him, he began to speak freely. He explained that he was not sleeping because he could not trust his roommate. He was convinced that his roommate had placed something in his food that had entered his body and was “nesting” in his brain. He believed this creature was allowing him to see the true nature of his roommate which was evil.

David explained that the creature speaks to him and told him he was not safe. David also admitted that he has not been to class because he finds it hard to concentrate. In their summary of the meeting, the adviser explained that on several occasions in the meeting, David would be speaking and despite having the proper cadence, his words did not make sense. When the adviser recommended that he go to the emergency room to see about the “nesting” creature in his brain, David stopped speaking and left her office.

Include the following in your essay:

Diagnose the mental health issue and justify your diagnosis (matching criteria to presented behavior).

Select and explain your pharmacological treatment approach including the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug(s) you choose.

Include any possible short and long-term side effects of the treatment as well as the necessary referrals.
Describe how your treatment approach will alter brain chemistry and influence behavior.

The Assignment should:

Follow Assignment directions

Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual, (7th ed.).

Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.

Your paper should include:

Title Page
Main Body of the paper (4–5 pages)
Reference Page

This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome:

1: Synthesize knowledge of current research studies in psychopharmacology to explain the biological impact of exposure to psychoactive drugs.

2: Predict how exposure to specific psychoactive substances alters brain chemistry and influences behaviors.


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