Relationships with Children in Early Education v3:Do research on the databases to find additional sources that are scholarly and peer-reviewed, which means published in academic journals and books.

Relationships with Children in Early Education v3

You are continuing to grow your project by conducting even more research toward your refined topic and subtopics.

This is the second submission of the sources you will be using. You are finding three new sources but you are also revising previous sources if necessary, based on your Sources 1 feedback.

Do research on the databases to find additional sources that are scholarly and peer-reviewed, which means published in academic journals and books.


1. You will be finding three new sources (found since Sources 1) that all relate to your project topic, and meet the criteria above.

2. Place a title at the top of your paper that indicates the scope of your current interests. This title can be refined since Sources 1 and the Topic Proposal.

3. Provide bibliographic listings in APA style for all three sources.

Here is a website that can help:

APA reference lists — also read the links in the menu on Authors, Articles in Periodicals, and Books

4. Provide short 100 word summaries for each source (300 words total for all three sources).

APA in-text citations

5. Also include in your bibliography the 3 sources you used in Sources 1.

6. At the very end, provide a self-reflection on the assignment process by rating yourself using the following scale for each of the following items:

Doing research to find scholarly sources
Reading my sources
Writing with my sources
Considering how my sources relate to my project
Citing using APA style in-text and in my bibliography

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