The Encyclopaedia of Diasporas Section on Italians in GB by Luca Sponza : Provide an outlined analysis of their respective arguments, the debates they engage in; discuss the sociological themes they raise, along with the concepts and arguments to draw out the wider implications for the study of race and diaspora.

Part 1 – The Essay: Guidelines – approach and structure

Essay layout

‘Arial’ type face; Font size ‘12’; Justified margins; Double line spacing; Left Justified Page number in footer of page; Harvard Referencing; Reference and Bibliography pages.

3500 words essay

Main Essay Question

Race and Diasporas:

What is it? Provide an outline and analysis of their arguments and the debates they engage in; provide a discussion of the sociological themes, concepts and arguments presented to draw out the wider implications for the studies. Compare and Contrast the following pieces of work.

Two journals, (i) Racism and Diaspora by Michel Wieviorka; (ii) What have I done to deserve this by Rucci; and one book chapter (iii) The Encyclopaedia of Diasporas Section on Italians in GB by Luca Sponza
All of which will be uploaded.

((iii) The Encyclopaedia of Diasporas Section on Italians in GB by Luca Sponza

Provide an outlined analysis of their respective arguments, the debates they engage in; discuss the sociological themes they raise, along with the concepts and arguments to draw out the wider implications for the study of race and diaspora.

Two sources of quantitative data on race and diaspora and provide a descriptive account that relates to the trends and patterns observed in relation to the above journals article and book chapter’s findings. (I’ve not been able to find any quantitative data on Racism and Diaspora, maybe you could find something, or it might be mentioned in either (i) or (ii) or both)


Part 2 – Power Point Presentation Guide

Presentation of its
main arguments,
its method(s),
contribution to sociological knowledge,
conclusion stating any potential for further research

The book chosen for this presentation is Global Diaspora – chapter 8, Mobilising Diaspora

8 – 10 slides

3-5 Points to a slide

Apply appropriate theorists and their arguments to justify or not the subject concerned.
Use in txt referencing

Provide reference and bibliography sheets

975 word count

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