Choose 3-7 or more quotes that resonate for you. Briefly write about what the words mean to you.

Man’s Search for Meaning Reflection Paper

Length: Cover page, 3-5 pages of content, and a reference page. Plan to use Frankl’s book and our text book as references.

Format: This will be submitted into Canvas (which runs it through Unicheck and compares it against other papers across the nation), so this cannot be handwritten. You also need to make sure you do not copy anything from ANY other source. That would lead to a potential failing grade for the class.

Double space, use Times New Roman 12 pt font, and have margins of one inch all around (top, bottom, and sides).

What should you discuss in this paper?

Choose 3-7 or more quotes that resonate for you.

Briefly write about what the words mean to you.

Briefly write about what was happening in his life. Provide the context for the words/quote. Tell us what was happening at that point in the book, or led up to Frankl writing those words.


In one of your closing paragraphs write about what you believe is the central theme, or the main message of the book.

How does it fit with our study of Positive Psychology? Did you find the Values in Action Character Traits portrayed in the book? Was one a main theme? Or two or three? Be sure to name the character strengths that you identified, and be sure to reference appropriately.

You should include out text book as a reference, and reference VIA within the text book, or use a URL reference.

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