Address one of the following best practices tied to management: planning, organization, staffing, or directing.

Address one of the following best practices tied to management: planning, organization, staffing, or directing.

See attached article

The Importance of Strategic Staffing as a Component of Human Resource Management Conversation with Alan F. Lafley  Chester C. Borucki

The Chase Mahattan Bank currently occupies a comfortable third place on the roster of the leading domestic banking institutions, following Citicorp and Bank America, respectively. However, The Chase has frequently been first in headlines as a result of a series of both misfortunes and accomplishments. In late May 1982, Drysdale Government Securities de-faulted on nearly $160 million of interest payments owed to nearly 30 of the nation’s top brokerage firms, with Chase caught in the middle as an intermediary. To further contribute to the bank’s problems, the Penn Square Bank collapsed in early July, leaving a number of banks, including Chase, with several million dollars worth of problem loans.

Despite these setbacks, largely attributable to improprieties caused by high-placed officers in other institutions over which litigations are still in process, The Chase rallied to earn near-record profits during the third quarter of 1982 and has continued to maintain its high-performing status during 1983, despite volatility in international financial markets. Well entrenched in the global marketplace, The Chase has operations in over 100 countries and plays a vital role in the flow of international trade and investment. It is one of the few financial institutions in the world capable of anticipating customer needs and responding to them quickly and effectively from any one of the world’s major financial centers. An influential factor in the attainment of the bank’s reputation and business objectives are decisions made nearly a decade ago to “change the culture” of the institution through human resource management.

During the mid-1970s, a major change occurred in how individuals were recruited and placed in positions within the corporation. In a departure from tradition, the Board went outside in its search for a qualified individual to occupy the position of Executive Vice President of Corporate Human

Human Resource Management. Fall 1983, Vol. 22, Number 3, PD. 297-312 1983 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0090-4848/831020297-16$04.00


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