Present a thorough reflection on what you learned while planning, developing, and implementing this project. Consider here the value of a SMART goal and a Detailed Action Plan.

• Project planning and implementation

Present a thorough reflection on what you learned while planning, developing, and implementing this project. Consider here the value of a SMART goal and a Detailed Action Plan.

• Teamwork

Discuss what you learned about working in a team and in the “real world.”

• Value of Core Competencies for IPCP

Consider the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice that and reflect on their value to you as you worked in your team. Include both positives and negatives.

Personal Learning

Reflect on what you learned about yourself through this experience. Be thorough

• Likes and Dislikes

What did you like or dislike about the kind of work you did?

• Strengths and Weaknesses

What did you find out you are good at, or not so good at?

• Influence on Career Choice

How might this experience influence your career choice in the health care?

• Core Competencies for IPCP

Again, consider the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and reflect on what you learned about yourself and collaborating with others

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