The Editor of Bible Study Magazine has commissioned you to create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians generally and on Galatians 2:10-14 specifically.Create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians 2:10-14.

Critical Analysis – Infographic Article


The Editor of Bible Study Magazine has commissioned you to create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians generally and on Galatians 2:10-14 specifically. The Editor has directed your attention to the similar “Start to Finish” infographic articles by Johnny Cisneros , which the Editor would like to emulate.

Here are some examples:

Cisneros, Johnny. “START TO FINISH: Bible Study Guide to Biblical Letters.” Bible Study Magazine 2, no. 4 (May 2010): 26

Cisneros, Johnny. “START TO FINISH: Bible Study Guide to Romans.” Bible Study Magazine 3, no. 6 (Sep/Oct 2011): 38-39

Your manuscript need not be formatted; you need only provide a ‘copy’. Total word count should not exceed 1500 words.

Concision is vital, despite the depth of research required to distil the vital facts into a short pithy infographic article.

Demonstrate fundamental skills and knowledge by identifying appropriate exegetical methods, and using these to critically analyse the meaning and significance of a designated passage from the New Testament.

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