Provide 2-3 reactions or comments to lessons learned and facts or insights they provide.  What important facts did you learn?  What helpful details did you pull from each video?  If it’s a short or comical link, what amused you and why?

Instructions for Assignment on “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

We have five videos to view/listen to, review and react to in this assignment: Read along with the spoken word ( Theme, language and allegory in “Young Goodman Brown.” Provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video. Hawthorne’s life in brief. Provide two or three distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video. To understand “YGB”. Watch this small part of a careful explanation – and watch all parts on your own if you like. Provide 2 or 3 distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.

A 15 minute analysis of YGB: This recaps the story, gives background, and raises some ideas about it, presenting one approach to understanding its message. Provide 2 or 3 distinct comments/reactions to the content provided in this video.

In general, remember the following for all 5 links above:

provide 2-3 reactions or comments to lessons learned and facts or insights they provide.

What important facts did you learn?  What helpful details did you pull from each video?  If it’s a short or comical link, what amused you and why?

Focus on your interpretation, not what goes on, but what you think and why?

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