Identify global competitors operating in the market (or considering entering it) and discuss their strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis local firms.


Assume that when a firm is considering internationalization or was internationalized to a foreign country (target country); external analysis of various environments is essentially required to decide attractiveness of that country for internationalization. Use the following guideline for your country report.

Executive Summary

· Short summary of report

o How attractive is the target country for foreign firms and (briefly) why?

o Do environmental factors facilitate internationalization of indigenous firms? Why?

Overview of target country

· When addressing each of the environmental sections below (economic, political/regulatory, and cultural), clearly assess the pros and cons (challenges) of the target country?

o This should cover Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9. Remember to make points (clearly relating to pros and cons of this country) and then back them up with evidence. Avoid stating information that doesn’t help make a point.

o You could use the following subtitles relating to the chapters:

· Economic Environment

o Review Chapter 1, 2, 3, 7 and 9 in your textbook to identify pertinent issues for assessing the economic environment.

§ globalization

§ economic system

§ trade barriers

§ membership in regional trade block

· Political Environment

o Address the different political and legal/regulatory issues discussed in Chapter 2 & 3 of your textbook that apply.

o Also address government corruption here and, if appropriate, explain how corruption could affect the country’s attractiveness.

· Cultural Environment

o Address the different cultural issues discussed in Chapter 4 of your textbook that could apply.

· Competition

o Identify key local firms and discuss their strengths and weaknesses

o Identify global competitors operating in the market (or considering entering it) and discuss their strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis local firms.

Conclusion and Unanswered Questions

· Recommend Entry Mode to this target country (if any)

· To what extent do you think the Porter’s framework is helpful for your analysis?

· Conclusion

· Did you identify important questions that proved difficult to research? If so, what did you try to do? Why were your attempts unsuccessful?

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