Address the following question: what role did religion and ritual play in Maya society?

Address the following question:

what role did religion and ritual play in Maya society?

For example, how did religion and ritual relate to the creation and maintenance of royal authority? What were the differences and/or similarities between the religious practice of Maya nobility and Maya commoners? How did Maya conceptions of natural/artificial landscapes relate to cosmology and religious practice? Did religion play a role in Maya craft production or subsistence practices?

You may address the prompt as you see fit, but your essay should feature a well-developed and coherent thesis that is supported by an organized body.

Addressing the prompt successfully will require you to draw upon specific archaeological and epigraphic data. Without the use of evidence, any discussion of religion among the Maya is simply speculative conjecture, so be sure to use specific examples drawn from archaeological sites and the hieroglyphic record.

You may use both the readings assigned for class as well as your notes for this assignment. The use of data and evidence will be essential for earning a good grade on this assignment. Outside resources are not allowed for use in this examination, nor is collaboration permitted.


• Times New Roman font, 12 point.
• At least five double-spaced pages in length.
• Use of Chicago Manual of Style for citing readings. See EasyWriter, the links posted on Course Connect, or consult the library or Writing Center for additional guidance. The in-text citation version of Chicago Style may be utilized instead of footnote/end-note version if you wish. When referring to specific data, the page number from the reading should be included.


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