Do you need space on campus for your idea? If so, discuss your selected site or potential sites on campus for your program, including information like availability of space, logistics , visibility,pros and cons of location.

Assignment Question

Reading: Chapter 1, 12

Textbook Reference:

Page 21 Figure 1-7, Page 410 Figure 12-2 to 12-5

Examples cited in Chapter 12 Writing Proposals. See especially Figures 12-2 to 12-5, formal internal proposal. Use that figure as a basic sample and guide. You may find Christine’s memo on telecommuting in Chapter 1, Figure 1-7 helpful too.

Your proposal should consider the following questions:

Topic Questions:

internal proposal to the St. Joseph’s College AdministrativeLeadership OR to your business organization where you are/were employed, using the samegeneral instructions contained herein.

Study the following instructions:

Assignment Description and Purpose:

You are proposing a new program on the St. Joseph’s College campus that will somehow benefit the college through revenue, exposure, the enrichment of student life or the realization of one ormore of St. Joseph’s mission statement goals In addition toproposing the adoption of your program idea, you are also asking St. Joseph’s to provide fundingfor your program, if necessary.

Audience: You will prepare a written proposal for Shantey Hill-Hanna (Vice President Student Life and Athletics/Campus Services) or Christine Murphy (Vice President Enrollment Management) orPhilip Dehne (Executive Dean) or Jessica McAleer Decatur (Vice President Marketing &Communications) or Michelle Papajohn (Vice President Information Technology) or Robert Riley(Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs).

Source Use: You may need to refer to some sources throughout this proposal as you present supportfor your ideas and as you compare your idea to existing programs or organizations at otherinstitutions. Be aware that any source used in the proposal should be properly cited in APA style in the document and in a references page.

In addition, in the text itself, you should identify thesource of information using author tags that attribute.

For example, According to Boyd’s 2016 article, “The Brand Experience,” studies estimate that consumers are exposed to more than 7,000 marketing messages per day. Keep in mind, depending on your subject, you may need only one or two sources to be convincing.

Details of Your Written Proposal:

Content Requirements:

The document must be a minimum of 4 pages, typed, single-spaced (2pages body, 1 page Brief Conclusion/Recommendation, 1 page Works Cited or References), follow examples cited in Chapter 12 Writing Proposals.

See especially Figures 12-2 to 12-5, formal internal proposal. Use that figure as a basic sample and guide. You may find

Christine’s memoon telecommuting in Chapter 1, Figure 1-7 helpful too.

Your proposal should consider the following questions:

• A description of the proposed program.

• Why is it needed? Compare to similar programs at other institutions.

• How will St. Joseph’s College benefit? Who will benefit? All or most of the studentbody? Or is there an under-represented group of students who this idea will benefit?

• Who would oppose the idea, and why? Because of money? Politics? How will youresolve the opposition?

• How much will it cost? You may request up to $5,000, and any request for funds willhave to include a budget justifying the request.

• Do you need space on campus for your idea? If so, discuss your selected site or potential sites on campus for your program, including information like availability of space, logistics , visibility,pros and cons of location.

• Following the examples in Chapter 12, and especially Figures 12-2 to 12-5, your finished proposal should include two pages of body copy, and a conclusion/recommendation page.

Your APA style References or Works Cited page is the fourth page.

• Format Requirements: Your proposal must appear in the same BASIC format as the formal proposal presented in Chapter 12, Figures 12-2 to 12-5, of our text. Again,Christine’s format in Chapter 1, Figure 1-7 is excellent too Throughout the document,you are expected to use the structure and organization features that we have beenstudying all semester. Be sure to use proper grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

• Your written proposal will be graded on how well the document conforms to the format,style, and content standards for a formal internal proposal described in our text (Chapter12) and explained in class discussions.

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