What potential problems or shortcomings of techniques for protecting personal data do the show’s guests describe?

Listen to the BBC program available at this link:

The site :


PROGRAM NOTES: The BBC program is called The Real Story (host, Ritula Shah). This episode is titled “Coronavirus: Is Mass Surveillance Here to Stay?”

Study Questions: BBC Interview (program originally aired 5/1/2020)

Answer each of the following questions in 1-3 concise sentences.

Include the number of the question but not the text of the question – just your answer.

Submit a Word document with your answers. FORMAT: 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri), 1-inch margins, page numbers.

1. What surveillance-related technologies do the BBC host, Ritula Shah, and the three guests mention? List as many as you can.

2. What are the three basic paradigms for storing the contact-tracing data that can be collected to combat the coronavirus? Name a country which uses each paradigm.

3. What are 2 techniques for protecting personal data?

4. What potential problems or shortcomings of techniques for protecting personal data do the show’s guests describe?

5. YY describes “opaque results” in the Chinese coronavirus contact-tracing and classification procedures. Later in the interview, she talks about “algorithmic transparency.” What do you think this distinction between opaque/transparent might refer to?

6. What do 9/11 and the war on terror have to do with the current state of surveillance? How does Zuboff characterize the differences between tech companies then and tech companies now?

7. In a recording inserted into the interview (from a previous BBC interview), Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harare draws the distinction between 2 types of surveillance: “over-the-skin” surveillance and “under-the-skin” surveillance. Explain the difference.

8.  Zuboff raises the spectre of COVID-1984. What does she mean by this?

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