What factors contributed to the power grid failure in Texas during February 2021? What other areas have experienced rolling blackout recently?Discuss

The power grid is meant to offer greater stability and consistency in electric power delivery to end users. However, extreme weather events and other crises can lead to large portions of the grid going offline, leaving consumers in a major (sometimes deadly) lurch.

This week you are taking a look at an AP article that examines what happened during the February 2021 Texas power grid failure.

You can find the article here:


Answer the first question before reading.

Before reading the article:

Before reading the article had you heard about the February 2021 Texas power grid crisis? What were your impressions of the causes/impacts? Was anyone you know impacted?

Now that you have read the article:

What factors contributed to the power grid failure in Texas during February 2021?

What other areas have experienced rolling blackout recently?

How does climate change potentially factor into future grid security in Texas and elsewhere?


Most states in the US are interconnected in larger regional grid systems.

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