Provide Integral Ecology in Pope’s Francis’s Laudato Si’: The meaning of the papal category of integral ecology for the Haitian context.

Provide Integral Ecology in Pope’s Francis’s Laudato Si’: The meaning of the papal category of integral ecology for the Haitian context.


Thomas Berry’s cosmology of cosmogenesis

Godefroy Midy’s works – Haiti

Francklin Armand’s works – Haiti

Recommendations: Sarah Taylor’s book. Green Sisters: A Spiritual Ecology

Heather Eaton, “An Earth-Centric Theological Framing for Planetary Solidarity” in Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Vices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017), 19-44.

Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Hilda P. Koster Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice (Minneapolis Fortress Press, 2019)

Celia Deane Drummond’s Handbook on what you referenced in the Bibliography of your these proposal.

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