How do students perceive and experience walking in an indoor environment compared to an outdoor environment?Explain

Description of the assessment

Analyse and interpret quantitative and qualitative data gathered from a range of research methods used in sport and exercise

There are TWO sets of data in this folder – One is the spreadsheet containing the data for the first part of the assessment – the Quantitative component. The second file is a word document containing transcribed data from the group interviews that relates to the Qualitative section of the assessment.

Assessment Content – Part 1; Quantitative analysis (approx. 1000 words)

You will be carrying out quantitative data analysis using Excel and SPSS. You will be able to self-select the data that you analyse from a range of data provided for you.
You should create your document using the outputs from SPSS and annotate around these accordingly. Remember that you can copy and paste the tables that SPSS creates but should use excel to create graphs if you wish to include these.

You will need to report your findings clearly and using recognised academic language and formatting. We will cover this throughout the sessions, but you should use research focused journal articles that have carried out similar analysis as a guide for this.

There are 2 sections to Part 1 of this assessment, requiring you to carry out two different quantitative data analysis techniques, and evidence your understanding of both these. You may use the student template to structure your work.

Section 1.
Using ANY SUITABLE VARIABLES from the data set provided, carry out EITHER an Independent Samples T-test OR a Paired samples T-test.
Ensure you carry out and comment on all appropriate assumption tests and post hoc tests as required by this test. You should also produce an appropriate graph to visually display the data, including error bars and correct formatting of axis labels.

Section 2.

Using ANY SUITABLE VARIABLES from the data set provided, carry out EITHER a One-Way ANOVA OR a Repeated Measures ANOVA
Ensure you carry out and comment on all appropriate assumption tests and post hoc tests as required by this test. You should also produce an appropriate graph to visually display the data, including error bars and correct formatting of axis labels.

Assessment Content – Part 2; Qualitative analysis (approx. 1000 words)

Research Question:

How do students perceive and experience walking in an indoor environment compared to an outdoor environment?

Using the transcribed data, carry out a thematic analysis using the Braun and Clarke (2006) framework. When you have conducted your analysis, write up your report using the following subheadings and use the student template to structure your work:

Introduction (100 words)
Briefly introduce your research question and aim of the report stating the method of data analysis.

Data Analysis (300 words)
Provide a brief rationale for conducting qualitative analysis using the Braun and Clarke (2006) framework. Report how you conducted each step of the process and how you addressed credibility, dependability, and confirmability.

Findings and Discussion (600 words)

Present a table that summarises and represents your 2nd level coding and final themes. Using themes as sub-headings, discuss the meaning of each theme and how each was identified through the analysis process. Briefly, compare your findings to previous research in this area and conclude your report.

Reference List

You should submit raw data showing how 1st and 2nd level codes were identified from the transcribed data.

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