Define transformational leadership. Describe one way a nurse leader can use a transformational leadership principle to solve a problem.

Virtual Learning Experience: Transformational Leadership/Patient Safety

In a written assignment answer the following questions in a 2 – 4‐page paper using APA format.

Written Assignment Criteria
Define transformational leadership.
Describe one way a nurse leader can use a transformational leadership principle to solve a problem.
Describe one patient safety issue from your experience that a transformational leader could have better addressed.
In your patient safety example, how were risks reduced? Describe one specific way that nurses at every level may reduce risks, providing specific examples, description, and supportive rationale.

Answer the questions below the Video “How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? Record your Score Interpretation on your written assignment. (In a sentence format)

Describe one specific way you have or could use principles of systems thinking to enhance outcomes, using supportive citations and references.

Provide supportive rationale using use information taken from at least ONE (1) course resource. Your understanding will be demonstrated as you explain transformational leadership and systems thinking key concepts in your own words and apply them to your reflections, providing supportive rationale for your decisions.


Use APA 7th edition. All papers must be typed and double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Papers must have a cover page. Use 12-point font. Include your name on a cover page and page numbers in the header. Papers should follow APA format for citations and reference list.

Always explicitly cite your sources, parenthetically and on the reference page. Citing your sources is a way of demonstrating from where and how you came to know something. Proofread all written work. Finished products should be spell-checked and grammatically correct.

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