Briefly summarize, in your own words, the aircraft accident based on your research. In your summary, highlight the causes of the accident based on the results of the accident investigation.

Module 6 Putting it All Together: The Role of Flight Planning in General Aviation Aircraft Accidents

Initial Post
Three individuals in hazmat outfits standing at an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University safety Science Crash Lab crash site.
Research an accident or incident involving a general aviation aircraft , where the cause was at least partly due to improper flight planning. Consider using keywords related to the steps involved in flight planning in conducting your search for accident summaries and reports.

Construct an engaging 3-paragraph initial post that addresses the following points:

Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize, in your own words, the aircraft accident based on your research. In your summary, highlight the causes of the accident based on the results of the accident investigation.
Paragraph 2: Discuss one or more ways that the article is directly tied to the topics covered in this module regarding the science of flight planning.
Paragraph 3: Give us “your take” on the relevance and importance of the summarized accident or incident, and the importance of flight planning in general, by providing personal points of view or related experiences.

Embed at least one graphic or video that helps visualize some aspect of your initial post discussion.


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