How might a corporation be hurt by acknowledging a large-scale data loss?How should a corporation respond to a large-scale loss of customer data?

Unit VII Case Study
Analyze the “Losing Data Hurts” case study following the conclusion of Chapter 9 in the textbook, and then address the
prompts below.
1. How should a corporation respond to a large-scale loss of customer data?
2. How might a corporation be hurt by acknowledging a large-scale data loss?
3. As data loss admissions become more widespread, how could they affect consumers’ willingness to share
information with corporations?
4. How should a corporation decide the appropriate level of resources to devote to securing its data?
5. Why is the health care sector such a big target for data thieves?
6. Why are corporations worried about insider threats with respect to data loss?
7. Why have the incidents of data loss seen a rise in the past few years?
8. Determine how using auditing tools can help prevent data losses. CYB 3302, Advanced Information Security 3
9. Determine how to have standard and sufficient policies for securing data.
Organize your information, and present it in a well-organized two-page paper. If outside sources are used, adhere to
APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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