Read and write 1 extended questions for each articles :A well written paragraph or two , based on critical thinking, to elaborate the reason(s) you posed the question in the manner you did.

Extended Questions
Read and write 1 extended questions for each articles .
a) an initial question directed toward a major concept/issue/theory/topic under discussion in the article or chapter ;
b) a well written paragraph or two , based on critical thinking, to elaborate the reason(s) you posed the question in the manner you did.
In other words, express why your question is an important one to consider
1 Negritude: A Humanism of the Twentieth Century by Leopold Sedar Senghor
5 Remembering Fanon: Self~ Psyche and the Colonial Condition by Homi Bhabha
3 National Liberation and Culture by Amilcar Cabral
2 On National Culture by Frantz Fanon
4 Can the Subaltern Speak? by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

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