Do you understand the policies on attendance, lateness, participation, revision,and protocol for turning in major assignments? Have your read the policy on academic honesty and understand what plagiarism is? Do you have questions about any of the policies? Do you foresee any problems?

 Trend Report Topic Proposal Memo
Read through the syllabus carefully, and then write a memo about the syllabus.
In your memo, you should address the following:
Class policies: Do you understand the policies on attendance, lateness, participation, revision,and protocol for turning in major assignments? Have your read the policy on academic honesty and understand what plagiarism is? Do you have questions about any of the policies? Do you foresee any problems?
Class conduct: Do you fully understand the policies concerning class administration and civility? Why do you think these policies are relevant to this particular class? Note: Some of this may not be relevant to online students.
Your communication issues: What communication issues would you like to work on most this semester?
About you: Is there anything that you would like me to know about you as a student as we begin the semester? For example, are you an international student or on a UMass sports team?

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