Produce a sequence of sonic and visual effects using key frame automation techniques, add text overlays in your video indicating what parameters you are controlling with your automation, export your project as a compressed video and post your final video.

For this assignment, your will use Adobe Premiere Pro to produce a short , experimental video. For this video you will focus on the application of key frame automation to control a variety of parameters for your audio and video elements.

The goal of this assignment is to reveal the tremendous creative possibilities that key frame automation enables. These tools allow you to produce dynamic effects with tremendous expressive range and individuality. Once you learn the basic concept of this automation, you can go far beyond what is possible with standard transitions and other static effects.

Here’s a simple example that demonstrates automation. The results are’t particularly dramatic or artistically substantial, but it gives you an idea of what your work might look like.

You are expected to spend about 4 hours on this project. This estimate incudes time to: study tutorials and lessons and research techniques, collect or produce audio and video assets, produce a sequence of sonic and visual effects using key frame automation techniques, add text overlays in your video indicating what parameters you are controlling with your automation, export your project as a compressed video and post your final video.

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