Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritative, permissive and the authoritarian parenting styles. Which did your parents use? Do you think they used the best approach for you? Which of these approaches do you think is best and why?

Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritative, permissive and the authoritarian parenting styles. Which did your parents use? Do you think they used the best approach for you?
Which of these approaches do you think is best and why?
Thoroughly read chapter nine in your text on this topic and pay special attention to page 261. You might also want to do research in Parent Effectiveness Training by Tom Gordon, Systemic Training for Effective Parenting by Don Dinkmeyer and Children: The Challenge by Rudolf Dreikurs.
Do you think that parents do the best they know to do in parenting their children?

Book if available: Seccombe, K. (2018). Exploring marriages & families (3rd ed). Boston, MA: Pearson
ISBN: 978-0135828298

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