What was the most difficult or satisfying part of the experience and why? Describe any disappointments or successes related to your service experience. How has your service experience affected your worldview? Describe the benefits of engaging in service work.

Service Learning Reflection Journal
Your journal is expected to be a 5-paragraph essay:
Introduction to include: day, time, location of service, name of the organization, and details about the organization, including the purpose of the organization. IF THE SERVICE LEARNING ACTIVITY IS VIRTUAL, YOU MUST UPLOAD A PICTURE OF COMPLETION OR THE WEBSITE USED.the service has to be resent no later then august
service has to be an online service!
With a valid website

Description of the service, your role and skills you used while completing this service, and why you choose this particular service learning experience.
Reflection of the service learning experience using 3 reflection questions provided below.
Connect service to UN Global Sustainability Goals Links to an external site., Catholic Social Teaching.
Conclusion to include: what was learned, how you were impacted by this service learning experience and connect to the University Missionor your field of study .
Service Learning Reflection Questions
Use those questions that are of interest to you or appropriate to your service to write your journal entry. Note: do not type these questions verbatim into your journal. They are to be used to guide your reflection and should be woven into the narrative of your journal.
What were your initial expectations about the service learning experience? Have these expectations changed? How? Why?
Does the pandemic continue to affect your service learning experiences?
What affects do you suppose you have on the community or individual you provided with the service?
What about your involvement was an eye-opening or surprising experience for you?
Explain how your view of the population with whom you worked has changed as a result of your service.
What did you do that seemed to be effective or ineffective in the community?
What sorts of things made you feel uncomfortable when you were working with the community?
What was the most difficult or satisfying part of the experience and why?
Describe any disappointments or successes related to your service experience.
How has your service experience affected your worldview?
Describe the benefits of engaging in service work.

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