Explain what is different and how it works. Compare the ArrayList approach with the alternative solution, evaluate which one is more effective, and explain why.

Revise this code example C# for Finding the duplicates and follow the discussion question below

//function to display the duplicate values in an Array public void DisplayArray(ArrayList ary)
//loop through all the elements for (int i = 0; i < ary.Count; i++)
Console.Write(ary[i]+” “);

//function to find the duplicate values in an Array
public void FindDuplicate(ArrayList ary)
//Array list to store all the duplicate values
ArrayList dup = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i < ary.Count;i++)
for (int j =i+1; j < ary.Count; j++)
//compare each value with following remaining values if (ary[i].Equals(ary[j]))
//When duplicate value is found, check //whether the value not contained in the dup array list if(!dup.Contains(ary[i]))
//if not contains, then add the value to dup array list dup.Add(ary[i]);
Console.WriteLine(“The numbers which duplicates are”);


//Input Arraylist values: 4,5,2,5,4,7
Output: 4 5 2 5 4 7
The numbers which are duplicates:
4 5

After reading week 2 required materials and conducting independent research as needed, discuss with your peers the following:

The solution uses an ArrayList object. Modify it and make it run with code that uses a different approach to solve the problem with identical results:
post an alternative solution
Explain what is different and how it works.
Compare the ArrayList approach with the alternative solution, evaluate which one is more effective, and explain why.

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