Document some of your ideas about “science” which are challenged in a post-modern, hermeneutic frame. What implications might this have for the practice of qualitative inquiry?

In no more than 8 double-spaced pages:
1. Discuss the fundamental epistemological assumptions of qualitative research.
2. How might one assess quality in qualitative research?
3. Document some of your ideas about “science” which are challenged in a post-modern, hermeneutic frame. What implications might this have for the practice of qualitative inquiry?
4. Please read and summarize two empirical qualitative research articles of your choice and critique them as a contribution to psychology. . In response to this question, please attend to the epistemological assumptions and the persuasiveness of the article rather than its content – and refer to the principles above.
Passcode: G$4#8?2n

Tolman, D.L., & Brydon-Miller, M. (2001). Interpretive and Participatory Research Methods: Moving toward Subjectivities. In From Subjects to Subjectivities: A Handbook of Interpretive and Participatory Methods, 3-11, New York: NYU Press

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