In what order will the nodes be visited using a Depth First Search starting from vertex A and using a stack ADT?

This assignment has 3 problems. The problems 1 and 2 are related to some of the
important topics we studied in the Module 6. The problem 3 is related to some of the
important topics of Module 7.
The purpose of this assignment is:
• Value the use of the different sub-quadratic sorting algorithms and consider the
possibility to sort in linear time for some particular problems.
• To apply efficient algorithms for some fundamental problems on graphs.
• To apply basic techniques of algorithm analysis to implement efficient algorithms.

Submitting Your Assignment:
• Assignments must be turned in via Canvas.
• Please follow these steps for every assignment:
1. You are allowed to upload only a single ZIP file and no other kinds of
compressed files will be accepted!
2. Please name your submission as 3_XXXXXXX.ZIP, where XXXXXXX is your
seven-digit Panther ID number.
3. Inside ZIP folder, there should be a separate folder for each question (i.e.
Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3, etc)
4. For questions that require Java implementation:
• The .java file must be inside the corresponding problem folder. DO NOT MIX
• If is required, each .java file should contain ITS OWN main method at the
bottom of the file. One main method for EACH .java file.
5. For written questions:
• Submit these files INSIDE the specific problem folder.
• Each answer MUST be identified. It should be easy to tell which question and
subsection you are answering!
• Written questions must be only in PDF format.
6. Please include the following header for each Java program:
Author’s Panther ID:
7. Submissions turned in after the due date and/or which don’t meet the
established formatting rules will not be accepted.
Failure to follow these simple directions may result in a loss of credit for the

Problem #1:
(a) Implement the radixSort algorithm to sort in increasing order an array of
integer positive keys.
public void radix Sort
In your implementation you must consider that each key contains only even digits (0, 2, 4,
6, and 8). Your program must detect the case of odd digits in the keys, and, in this case,
Example #1:
Input: 24, 12, 4, 366, 45, 66, 8, 14
Output: *** Abort *** the input has at least one key with odd digits
Example #2:
Input: 24, 2, 4, 466, 48, 66, 8, 44
Output: 2, 4, 8, 24, 44, 48, 66, 466
(b) What is the running time complexity of your radix Sort method? Justify.
Important Notes:
• To storage and process the bucket lists, use an ArrayList structure.
• You must add the main method in your program in Java in order to test your
• You can use the array of the previous example to test your program, however, I
suggest that you also use other input arrays to validate the correctness and
efficiency of your solution.
• Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file).
• A program that does not compile or does not run loses all correctness points.

Problem #2: (35 pts)
(a) Given the following list of numbers:
3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5
trace the execution for quicksort with median-of-three partitioning and a cutoff of 3.
(b) The processing time of an algorithm is described by the following recurrence equation (c
is a positive constant):
T(n) = 3T(n/3) + 2cn; T(1) = 0
What is the running time complexity of this algorithm? Justify.
(c) You decided to improve insertion sort by using binary search to find the position p where
the new insertion should take place.
(c.1) What is the worst-case complexity of your improved insertion sort if you take account
of only the comparisons made by the binary search? Justify.
(c.2) What is the worst-case complexity of your improved insertion sort if only
swaps/inversions of the data values are taken into account?

Problem #3: (35 pts)
(a) Either draw a graph with the following specified properties, or explain why no such
graph exists:

A simple graph with five vertices with degrees 2, 3, 3, 3, and 5.

(b) Consider the following graph. If there is ever a decision between multiple neighbor
nodes in the BFS or DFS algorithms, assume we always choose the letter closest to the
beginning of the alphabet first.

(b.1) In what order will the nodes be visited using a Breadth First Search starting from
vertex A and using a queue ADT?
(b.2) In what order will the nodes be visited using a Depth First Search starting from
vertex A and using a stack ADT?
(c) Show the ordering of vertices produced by the topological sort algorithm given in class starting from vertex V1 when it is run on the following direct acyclic graph . Justify.

V0 —
V1 —
V2 V0, V1
V3 V0, V1
V4 V0, V2
V5 V1
V6 V2, V4, V5
V7 V6

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