Compare and contrast two Catholic Sunday Masses in different cultural traditions, discussing how your social location shapes your reactions to them.

Compare and contrast two Catholic Sunday Masses in different cultural traditions, discussing how your social location shapes your reactions to them.

Instructions: Attend at least two Catholic Sunday Masses in different cultural traditions. They can be culturally white, black, Latino/a, Asian, Native, etc. Many masses in English will qualify as culturally white, but not all; for example, the Gospel Mass at Christ the King is in English and culturally black. Consider attending the Masses in pairs or groups and discussing your impressions afterward. You must each write your own paper comparing and contrasting the two Masses you have attended. When submitting your paper, please attach a photo of the church bulletins or worship aids for the weekend(s) you attended the Masses.

Content: Your paper should:

compare and contrast the culturally different Masses, noting specific cultural indicators, and contextualize the Masses with reference to the history of the US Catholic Church;
analyze your reaction to attending the Masses, discussing how specific elements of your social location—including race, nationality, and religion—shape(s) your reaction;
be well-organized with an introduction and thesis statement, body, and conclusion;
reference one or more of our course readings;
include a complete works cited list; and
have the relevant bulletins or worship aids attached .
Use of the first person  is appropriate and expected.

Consult the rubric for more information on how the content of your paper will be evaluated.

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