Explain the implications of each international strategy alternative on local and global communities. Specifically, what impact does it have on the company and home market as well local employment, local tax revenues, and the natural environment?

In a well-written, typed, 5-7 page, double spaced essay carefully address the questions below. Keep in mind the non bolded questions are general Gen Ed questions for university curriculum assessment. The bolded questions are specific to the scenario for this project and that is what you should address and answer. In other words, by answering the bold questions you are answering the more general question but with more specificity relative to the given scenario. So, you only need to address the bolded questions.

1. What do you see as plausible decision alternatives to the business scenario you have been provided? Describe at least three alternatives; each should be discussed in detail and address different stakeholder perspectives.

What are your strategic options concerning your company’s international strategy? Describe at least three alternatives and discuss how would these alternatives impact company shareholders, employees, and suppliers?

2. What would be the implications of each decision alternative? Describe any ethical implications associated with each decision alternative.

Explain the implications of each international strategy alternative on local and global communities. Specifically, what impact does it have on the company and home market as well local employment, local tax revenues, and the natural environment?

3. What should the strategy be so that the company is best positioned under each decision alternative?

Which international strategy alternative do you recommend and why? Make sure you fully describe your choice of international strategy and explain why it is the optimal solution.

4. As implications of your recommended decision, what are the actions needed in the next year for each function in the company: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Technology, Operations, etc.?

Describe the impact of your choice of international strategy on how various functional area strategies should be performed. You must address at least three functional areas.

After submission of your Pre Report Analysis and Report to the designated dropboxes, you will be placed into groups where you and your group members will be required to read and provide feedback on each other’s assignments. In addition to submitting the report to the assignment dropbox, submit your REPORT as an attachment in your group discussion thread so your classmates can access it. You will then be required to submit a reflection paper on what you would do differently based on the feedback provided by your group members.

Please be timely in your feedback so that everyone can complete their reflection portion on time. Your group will be the same as your presentation group.

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