Google and research sustainability to get a good idea of what this means to help with #1. You want to define sustainability in your own words. This should take up much of the first paragraph of your paper

Sustainability Paper

Sustainability is the process of living within the limits of available physical, natural and social resources in ways that allow the living systems in which humans are embedded to thrive in perpetuity.
how to complete paper (or, more importantly, what I need to see as the grader!):
• Cover Page: Give the name of your paper, your name, the date and course this is. One page.

• First paragraph: Google and research sustainability to get a good idea of what this means to help with #1. You want to define sustainability in your own words. This should take up much of the first paragraph of your paper. Also, in your first paragraph, you want to set the paper up to show your reader what the paper is about. So, after you introduce sustainability, you can add a line like, “This paper will discuss the various ways that water is not sustainably used in our individual homes, agriculture, and in business in America, and some ideas in how we can resolve that to make our water use more sustainable across these areas”. Usually, this paragraph should be at least half of a page.
• (One page): Your second paragraph should be dedicated exclusively to identifying one unsustainable water practice in our individual homes, and then provide possible solutions. The best way to do this is Google and research this, by searching for “unsustainable water use in homes”. You will see many pages that you can read through. Find one good example, explain it well, and then provide ideas on how we can make this more sustainable. This paragraph should be about a full page. Make sure you provide great details, and feel free to include pictures, diagrams, etc., to help make your points.
• (One page): Your third paragraph should be dedicated exclusively to identifying one unsustainable water practice in agriculture. Use all of the advice above, but apply it to this area. This paragraph should be about a full page.
• (One page): Your fourth paragraph should be dedicated exclusively to identifying one unsustainable water practice in business. Use all of the advice above, but apply it to this area. You can also apply this area to energy production. For example, a business could be creating electricity. This paragraph should be about a full page.
• (Half-page)Your final paragraph should end your paper by summarizing the main points in your paper and ending with thoughtful commentary in such a way that your reader is inspired to learn even more about this issue. This paragraph should be about a half-page
• (One page) Lastly, you also need to include a resource page. To get full credit, you need at least five resources. This should not be hard to do! I would expect you probably will have at least eight, if not more. But, for sure include at least five. These should be in APA format. The resource page should be on its own page, the last page.
After all of this, the paper should be about 8 pages, be sure to include pictures and diagrams.

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