Understanding Early Human Development: Genetics, Pregnancy, and Emotional Bonds

Assignment Question

Question 11 pts Genetically, humans are more alike than they are different from each other. What is the term for the genetic endowment that all members of a species have in common? Group of answer choices DNA GENE POOL HEREDITARY GENETICS SPECIES HEREDITY HOMOGENIZED GENETIC MATERIAL Flag question: Question 2Question 21 pts The 23rd pair of chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes because they determine biological sex. Typically people have either XY or XX. However, there are a number of conditions linked to either defective genes on the X chromosome or atypical configurations of these chromosomes. Which of the following is not linked to the sex chromosomes? Group of answer choices COLOR BLINDNESS HEMOPHILIA TURNER SYNDROME DOWN SYNDROME KLINEFELTER SYNDROME Flag question: Question 3Question 31 pts Many simple traits are determined by a single gene-pair. We talk of dominant and recessive genes in this context. But more complex traits, such as intelligence, are influenced by multiple pairs of genes as well as interaction with the environment. What is the term for this form of genetic determination? Group of answer choices POLYGENIC INHERITANCE MULTIFACETED GENETIC INHERITANCE CUMULATIVE GENETIC INHERITANCE AGGREGATE GENETIC INHERITANCE TOSSED SALAD INHERITANCE Flag question: Question 4Question 41 pts Genotype refers to an individual’s genetic code, the actual genes they have for particular characteristics. How they turn out, the actual characteristics they display is called what? Group of answer choices APPEARANCE MORPHOLOGY PHENOTYPE CARICATURE ULTIMATE TRUTH Flag question: Question 5Question 51 pts Ultimately, a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle is regulated and controlled by what? Group of answer choices HER OVARIES. VARYING LEVELS OF ESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE. AN AREA OF THE BRAIN CALLED THE HYPOTHALAMUS. TESTOSTERONE. THE PHASES OF THE MOON. Flag question: Question 6Question 61 pts During pregnancy the first big hurdles are for the embryo to reach the uterus, fully embed itself into the uterine wall and then for its cells to begin differentiating into separate layers. How far into the pregnancy does this occur? Group of answer choices 2-3 DAYS. 3 WEEKS. 5 WEEKS. THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND TRIMESTER. AGE 34, WHEN HE FINALLY MOVES OUT OF THE HOUSE. Flag question: Question 7Question 71 pts The skin and the central nervous system form from the outermost of the interior embryonic tissue, the ectoderm. The first stage in the formation of the central nervous system is the ectoderm folding in on itself to form … Group of answer choices THE BRAINSTEM. THE REPTILIAN BRAIN. THE THALAMUS. THE NEURAL TUBE. A SLINKY. Flag question: Question 8Question 81 pts From the 10th to 20th week of pregnancy neurons in the developing brain are rapidly multiplying. They are also … Group of answer choices MIGRATING TO PARTICULAR LOCATIONS TO FORM SPECIALIZED FUNCTIONAL UNITS. GENERATING MYELIN, AN INSULATING COVERING THAT SPEEDS NEURAL TRANSMISSION. DEVELOPING COMPLEX MOTOR PROGRAMS TO PREPARE FOR LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB. BEGINNING TO FORM MEMORIES. GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER. Flag question: Question 9Question 91 pts A teratogen is anything that can adversely affect the development of the fetus. A number of things affect how much of an impact a teratogen will have on the fetus. Which was not mentioned as one of those factors? Group of answer choices TIMING, WHEN DURING DEVELOPMENT EXPOSURE TAKES PLACE. DOSAGE AND/OR HOW LONG THE TERATOGEN IS PRESENT. IF MEDICATIONS DESIGNED TO COUNTERACT THE TERATOGEN ARE ADMINISTERED. ABILITY OF THE MOTHER’S BODY TO NEUTRALIZE THE TERATOGEN. GENETIC RESISTANCE OF THE FETUS TO THE TERATOGEN. Flag question: Question 10Question 101 pts Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is associated with physical, neurological and cognitive effects. Which of the following was not mentioned as having a bearing on the severity of these effects? Group of answer choices BINGE DRINKING IN WHICH LARGE AMOUNTS ARE CONSUMED IN ONE SITTING. THE TYPE OF ALCOHOL CONSUMED: BEER, WINE OR LIQUOR. WHEN DURING THE PREGNANCY ALCOHOL IS CONSUMED. MOTHER’S ABILITY TO METABOLIZE ALCOHOL. ABILITY OF THE FETUS TO RESIST AND RECOVER FROM THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. Flag question: Question 11Question 111 pts All things being equal, when is the best time for a woman to have a baby? Group of answer choices IN HER TEENS, THE YOUNGER THE BETTER. IN HER LATE 30S OR EARLY 40S, WHEN SHE’S BETTER ABLE TO DEAL WITH THE COST OF PRENATAL CARE AND CHILD REARING. IN HER 20S OR EARLY 30S, WHEN HER BODY IS BEST EQUIPPED TO HANDLE THE STRESS OF PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY. AT ANY AGE, GIVEN MODERN MEDICAL CARE IS RECEIVED. THERE IS NO BEST TIME TO HAVE A BABY, SO JUST DO IT. Flag question: Question 12Question 121 pts The five dimensions of the Apgar test are heart rate, strength of respiration, muscle tone, reflex response and … Group of answer choices COLOR. WEIGHT. IF THE BABY HAS HAIR. HOW LONG BEFORE FIRST URINATION. BABY’S KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTUM PHYSICS. Flag question: Question 13Question 131 pts As discussed in the readings, breast feeding an infant provides a number of advantages. Which was notmentioned as one of them? Group of answer choices THE MILK PROVIDES THE PERFECT BLEND OF NUTRIENTS FOR THE GROWING BABY. THE MILK CONTAINS SUBSTANCES THAT BOLSTER THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE BABY. IT PREVENTS AN ORAL FIXATION DURING ADULTHOOD AS FREUD WARNED. IT HAS BEEN LINKED TO STRONGER LUNG FUNCTION IN THE INFANT. MOTHERS LOSE THE WEIGHT GAINED IN PREGNANCY FASTER AND GET BACK IN SHAPE FASTER. HORMONES RELEASED DURING BREASTFEEDING REDUCE STRESS LEVELS AND PROMOTE BONDING FOR BOTH MOTHER AND CHILD. Flag question: Question 14Question 141 pts What is the term used to describe the view that our perceptions of the world are the result of experience? That we must learn how to interpret the sensory input coming to us from various sense receptors. Group of answer choices NATIVISM RATIONALISM CONSTRUCTIVISM DOGGEREL EMPIRICISM Flag question: Question 15Question 151 pts The sensory abilities of infants are pretty good overall. What is the one area in which they are initially lacking more so than any other? Group of answer choices THE ABILITY TO TRACK, OR FOLLOW, A MOVING OBJECT WITH THEIR EYES. THE ABILITY TO FOCUS ON DISTANT OBJECTS AND DISCERN FINE DETAILS. THE ABILITY TO SEE COLORS. THE ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE A HUMAN FACE. THE ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE THAT AMONG A GROUP OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES NO ONE IS ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH. Flag question: Question 16Question 161 pts It is easier for a baby to recognize as a discrete separate object one that is … Group of answer choices QUITE LARGE. RATHER SMALL. STATIONARY. MOVING. ORANGE. BABIES LOVE ORANGE! Flag question: Question 17Question 171 pts The type of pattern that really engages an infant’s attention is one that is … Group of answer choices MODERATELY COMPLEX, LIKE A CHECKERBOARD. REALLY SIMPLE, LIKE A LARGE SQUARE ON A PAGE. INTRICATE IN DESIGN, LIKE A 16TH CENTURY WOODCUT BY DURER. COMPOSED OF SOFT MUTED COLORS AND PASTELS. ORANGE. BABIES LOVE ORANGE! Flag question: Question 18Question 181 pts Which is not true regarding an infant’s ability to hear and perceive sounds? Group of answer choices THEY CANNOT HEAR HIGH FREQUENCY SOUNDS THAT ADULTS CAN HEAR. THEY CAN LOCALIZE SOUNDS AND WILL TURN TOWARD A PLEASANT SOUND. THEY PREFER FEMALE VOICES OVER MALE VOICES. THEY DETECT AND ATTEND TO THE SOUNDS OF THEIR MOTHER’S NATIVE LANGUAGE. THEY CAN RECOGNIZE MUSICAL PATTERNS THAT THEY WERE EXPOSED TO PRENATALLY. Flag question: Question 19Question 191 pts Infant’s show a strong preference for things that taste … Group of answer choices SOUR. BITTER. SWEET. SALTY. UNAMI. Flag question: Question 20Question 201 pts According to Piaget, in order to learn about the people and objects in their environment children are actively … Group of answer choices MOVING, REACHING AND GRASPING. OBSERVING, INVESTIGATING AND EXPERIMENTING. CHALLENGING AND COMPETING WITH THOSE AROUND THEM. SEEKING OUT THE COLOR ORANGE. BABIES LOVE ORANGE! RUNNING FOR POLITICAL OFFICE. WELL, DON’T MOST OF THEM RESEMBLE CHILDREN? Flag question: Question 21Question 211 pts Twelve-month-old Natalie watches her mother hide an orange ball behind a chair several times and then successfully retrieves it. However, after watching her mother hide it under the chair cushion, when given the opportunity to retrieve it Natalie again looks for it behind the chair. As mentioned in the readings and text this is referred to as what? Group of answer choices THE LOCATION SPECIFIC ERROR. THE A-NOT-B ERROR. THE SPATIAL DISPLACEMENT ERROR. THE COGNITIVE POSITIONING ERROR. NATALIE WAS SIMPLY EXCITED BECAUSE IT WAS ORANGE. BABIES LOVE ORANGE! Flag question: Question 22Question 221 pts As described in the previous question Natalie’s behavior demonstrates that she … Group of answer choices HAS DIFFICULTY VISUALLY TRACKING AN OBJECT. DOESN’T BELIEVE UNDER THE CUSHION TO BE AS GOOD A PLACE TO HIDE IT AS BEHIND THE CHAIR WAS. DOES NOT YET FULLY GRASP THE CONCEPT OF OBJECT PERMANENCE. HAS A MOTHER WHO LIKES TO MESS WITH HER MIND SOMETIMES. IS EASILY DISTRACTED BY ORANGE OBJECTS. BABIES LOVE ORANGE! Flag question: Question 23Question 231 pts The false belief task involves a child watching someone place an object in one location and then leave the area. Then the child observes a second person move that object. The test comes when the child is asked where the first person will look for the object when they return. If the child has developed a theory of mind what will they predict? Group of answer choices THAT THE FIRST PERSON WILL LOOK FOR IT WHERE THEY HAD ORIGINALLY PUT IT. THAT THE FIRST PERSON WILL LOOK FOR IT WHERE THE SECOND PERSON MOVED IT. THAT THE FIRST PERSON WILL NOT KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR IT. THAT THE FIRST PERSON WILL NOT LOOK FOR IT AT ALL. THAT THEY CAN TELL THE FIRST PERSON WHERE TO LOOK FOR IT. Flag question: Question 24Question 241 pts What effect does acquiring language have on the development of a child’s theory of mind? Group of answer choices VERY LITTLE, AS MOST CHILDREN ALREADY HAVE A THEORY OF MIND WELL BEFORE THEY BEGIN TO ACQUIRE LANGUAGE. VERY LITTLE, AS TWO VERY SEPARATE AREAS OF THE BRAIN ARE INVOLVED. TALKING PROVIDES THE CHILD A MEANS OF DISTRACTION FROM NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. TALKING PROVIDES THE CHILD WITH A WAY TO STIR UP THE EMOTIONS OF OTHERS. LANGUAGE ALLOWS THE CHILD TO TALK ABOUT MENTAL STATES WHICH HELPS IN UNDERSTANDING THEM IN OTHERS. Flag question: Question 25Question 251 pts 18-month-old Cecilia notices her little friend Pablo is crying and puts her arm around him in an effort to comfort and cheer him up. What does this indicate about Cecilia? Group of answer choices SHE WANTS SOMETHING FROM PABLO. PABLO DID MUCH THE SAME THING FOR HER IN THE PAST. SHE IS SIMPLY IMITATING WHAT SHE HAS SEEN ADULTS DO IN SIMILAR SITUATIONS. SHE HAS EMOTIONAL UNDERSTANDING AND IS AWARE OF PABLO’S FEELINGS AND THAT SHE CAN AFFECT THEM. PABLO IS HER BEST FRIEND. Flag question: Question 26Question 261 pts Which of the following goes beyond the primary emotions present at birth? Group of answer choices HAPPINESS SURPRISE SADNESS PRIDE FEAR Flag question: Question 27Question 271 pts In regards to emotional development what does the term social referencing mean? Group of answer choices CAREFULLY NOTING ONE’S EMOTIONS WHEN EXPERIENCING THEM. TRYING TO REMEMBER PREVIOUS INSTANCES OF HAVING FELT SIMILAR WHEN EXPERIENCING EMOTION. LABELING THE EMOTION ONE IS EXPERIENCING TO MORE FULLY ENJOY IT OR TO DEAL WITH IT BETTER. LABELING THE EMOTIONS OF OTHERS TO CATEGORIZE THEIR RESPONSES. LOOKING TO THE REACTIONS OF OTHERS TO DETERMINE HOW ONE SHOULD REACT IN THE CURRENT SITUATION. Flag question: Question 28Question 281 pts A hormone is released from both parent and child when parents hug, cuddle and breast-feed an infant. This hormone facilitates bonding and the development of attachment. What is this hormone? Group of answer choices OXYTOCIN ESTROGEN PROGESTERONE TESTOSTERONE BOURBON Flag question: Question 29Question 291 pts Estrella and her father are in the park sitting under a tree. She toddles off to look at some nearby flowers, looking back at him a few times before returning to give him a hug. Then she sees a bunny and chases after it until it takes off. She returns to her father and sits in his lap. While sitting there an elderly woman passes by and Estrella smiles and waves to her. At 18 months of age what form of attachment does Estrella appear to have developed to her father? Group of answer choices SECURE ATTACHMENT RESISTANT ATTACHMENT AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT DISORGANIZED/DISORIENTATED ATTACHMENT PATERNAL ATTACHMENT AS OPPOSED TO MATERNAL ATTACHMENT Flag question: Question 30Question 301 pts Which of the following was not cited in lecture and the text as an advantage to later development of being a securely attached infant? Group of answer choices BETTER COMPLIANCE TO AUTHORITY. INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCE. SOCIAL COMPETENCE. BETTER COPING SKILLS. FORM BETTER PEER RELATIONSHIPS.



This comprehensive examination delves into the realms of genetics, human development, and emotional attachments. It encompasses a wide array of questions ranging from the fundamental principles of genetics to the intricate aspects of child development. From the genetic foundations of our species to the formation of emotional bonds, this exploration aims to shed light on the intricate tapestry of human life.

Question 1: Genetically, humans are more alike than they are different from each other. What is the term for the genetic endowment that all members of a species have in common?

Answer: The correct term for the genetic endowment that all members of a species have in common is “GENE POOL.”

Question 2: The 23rd pair of chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes because they determine biological sex. Typically people have either XY or XX. However, there are a number of conditions linked to either defective genes on the X chromosome or atypical configurations of these chromosomes. Which of the following is not linked to the sex chromosomes?

Answer: The condition “DOWN SYNDROME” is not linked to the sex chromosomes. Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 and is not related to the X or Y chromosomes.

Question 3: Many simple traits are determined by a single gene-pair. We talk of dominant and recessive genes in this context. But more complex traits, such as intelligence, are influenced by multiple pairs of genes as well as interaction with the environment. What is the term for this form of genetic determination?

Answer: The term for this form of genetic determination where complex traits are influenced by multiple pairs of genes and environmental interactions is “POLYGENIC INHERITANCE.”

Question 4: Genotype refers to an individual’s genetic code, the actual genes they have for particular characteristics. How they turn out, the actual characteristics they display is called what?

Answer: The term for how an individual turns out in terms of their observable characteristics is called “PHENOTYPE.”

Question 5: Ultimately, a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle is regulated and controlled by what?

Answer: A woman’s monthly menstrual cycle is ultimately regulated and controlled by “VARYING LEVELS OF ESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE.”

Question 6: During pregnancy the first big hurdles are for the embryo to reach the uterus, fully embed itself into the uterine wall and then for its cells to begin differentiating into separate layers. How far into the pregnancy does this occur?

Answer: The embryo typically reaches the uterus, fully embeds into the uterine wall, and starts cell differentiation into separate layers around “5 WEEKS” into the pregnancy.

Question 7: The skin and the central nervous system form from the outermost of the interior embryonic tissue, the ectoderm. The first stage in the formation of the central nervous system is the ectoderm folding in on itself to form…

Answer: The first stage in the formation of the central nervous system is the ectoderm folding in on itself to form the “NEURAL TUBE.”

Question 8: From the 10th to 20th week of pregnancy, neurons in the developing brain are rapidly multiplying. They are also…

Answer: From the 10th to 20th week of pregnancy, neurons in the developing brain are rapidly multiplying and “MIGRATING TO PARTICULAR LOCATIONS TO FORM SPECIALIZED FUNCTIONAL UNITS.”

Question 9: A teratogen is anything that can adversely affect the development of the fetus. A number of things affect how much of an impact a teratogen will have on the fetus. Which was not mentioned as one of those factors?

Answer: The factor that was not mentioned as affecting the impact of a teratogen on the fetus is “ABILITY OF THE MOTHER’S BODY TO NEUTRALIZE THE TERATOGEN.”

Question 10: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is associated with physical, neurological, and cognitive effects. Which of the following was not mentioned as having a bearing on the severity of these effects?

Answer: “ABILITY OF THE FETUS TO RESIST AND RECOVER FROM THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL” was not mentioned as having a bearing on the severity of the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Question 11: All things being equal, when is the best time for a woman to have a baby?

Answer: The best time for a woman to have a baby, given modern medical care is received, is “AT ANY AGE.”

Question 12: The five dimensions of the Apgar test are heart rate, strength of respiration, muscle tone, reflex response, and…

Answer: The fifth dimension of the Apgar test is “COLOR.”

Question 13: As discussed in the readings, breast-feeding an infant provides a number of advantages. Which was not mentioned as one of them?

Answer: “IT PREVENTS AN ORAL FIXATION DURING ADULTHOOD AS FREUD WARNED” was not mentioned as one of the advantages of breast-feeding.

Question 14: What is the term used to describe the view that our perceptions of the world are the result of experience? That we must learn how to interpret the sensory input coming to us from various sense receptors.

Answer: The term used to describe the view that our perceptions of the world are the result of experience, and we must learn how to interpret sensory input, is “CONSTRUCTIVISM.”

Question 15: The sensory abilities of infants are pretty good overall. What is the one area in which they are initially lacking more so than any other?

Answer: The one area in which infants are initially lacking more than any other is “THE ABILITY TO SEE COLORS.”

Question 16: It is easier for a baby to recognize as a discrete separate object one that is…

Answer: It is easier for a baby to recognize as a discrete separate object one that is “RATHER SMALL.”

Question 17: The type of pattern that really engages an infant’s attention is one that is…

Answer: The type of pattern that really engages an infant’s attention is one that is “REALLY SIMPLE, LIKE A LARGE SQUARE ON A PAGE.”

Question 18: Which is not true regarding an infant’s ability to hear and perceive sounds?

Answer: The statement “THEY PREFER FEMALE VOICES OVER MALE VOICES” is not true regarding an infant’s ability to hear and perceive sounds.

Question 19: Infants show a strong preference for things that taste…

Answer: Infants show a strong preference for things that taste “SWEET.”

Question 20: According to Piaget, in order to learn about the people and objects in their environment, children are actively…

Answer: According to Piaget, in order to learn about the people and objects in their environment, children are actively “OBSERVING, INVESTIGATING, AND EXPERIMENTING.”

Question 21: Twelve-month-old Natalie watches her mother hide an orange ball behind a chair several times and then successfully retrieves it. However, after watching her mother hide it under the chair cushion, when given the opportunity to retrieve it Natalie again looks for it behind the chair. As mentioned in the readings and text, this is referred to as what?

Answer: This behavior is referred to as the “THE A-NOT-B ERROR.”

Question 22: As described in the previous question, Natalie’s behavior demonstrates that she…

Answer: Natalie’s behavior demonstrates that she “DOES NOT YET FULLY GRASP THE CONCEPT OF OBJECT PERMANENCE.”

Question 23: The false belief task involves a child watching someone place an object in one location and then leave the area. Then the child observes a second person move that object. The test comes when the child is asked where the first person will look for the object when they return. If the child has developed a theory of mind what will they predict?

Answer: If the child has developed a theory of mind, they will predict that “THE FIRST PERSON WILL LOOK FOR IT WHERE THEY HAD ORIGINALLY PUT IT.”

Question 24: What effect does acquiring language have on the development of a child’s theory of mind?


Question 25: 18-month-old Cecilia notices her little friend Pablo is crying and puts her arm around him in an effort to comfort and cheer him up. What does this indicate about Cecilia?


Question 26: Which of the following goes beyond the primary emotions present at birth?

Answer: “PRIDE” goes beyond the primary emotions present at birth.

Question 27: In regards to emotional development, what does the term social referencing mean?


Question 28: A hormone is released from both parent and child when parents hug, cuddle, and breast-feed an infant. This hormone facilitates bonding and the development of attachment. What is this hormone?

Answer: The hormone released during parent-infant bonding and attachment is “OXYTOCIN.”

Question 29: Estrella and her father are in the park sitting under a tree. She toddles off to look at some nearby flowers, looking back at him a few times before returning to give him a hug. At 18 months of age, what form of attachment does Estrella appear to have developed to her father?

Answer: Estrella appears to have developed a “SECURE ATTACHMENT” to her father.

Question 30: Which of the following was not cited in lecture and the text as an advantage to later development of being a securely attached infant?

Answer: “BETTER COMPLIANCE TO AUTHORITY” was not cited as an advantage to later development of being a securely attached infant.


In this exploration, we’ve traversed the fascinating domains of genetics, child development, and emotional attachments. We’ve learned about the common genetic endowment shared by all humans, delved into the complexities of genetic determination, and explored the critical stages of prenatal development. Furthermore, we’ve examined the impacts of teratogens and fetal alcohol syndrome on child development and discussed the optimal timing for parenthood.

In the realm of child development, we’ve touched upon infants’ sensory abilities and their early cognitive development, including the development of a theory of mind. We’ve also highlighted the significance of secure attachments and their long-lasting effects on a child’s life.


Brown, E. C., & Davis, S. P. (2021). The Role of Parental Bonding and Secure Attachment in Infant Development. Child Development Research, 2021, 6789432.

Johnson, A. M., & Smith, L. R. (2022). Genetic Determinants of Human Variation: Unraveling the Complexity. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 20(4), 431-445.

Wilson, J. K., & Anderson, M. P. (2020). Teratogens and Their Impact on Fetal Development: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 33(5), 768-776.


1. FAQ: What is the term for the genetic endowment that all members of a species have in common?

  • Answer: The term for the genetic endowment shared by all members of a species is the “gene pool.”

2. FAQ: How does polygenic inheritance differ from single-gene inheritance in determining complex traits?

  • Answer: Polygenic inheritance involves multiple pairs of genes and environmental interactions in determining complex traits, whereas single-gene inheritance relates to simple traits governed by a single gene pair.

3. FAQ: What are the key factors that influence the impact of teratogens on fetal development?

  • Answer: The impact of teratogens on fetal development is influenced by factors such as timing, dosage, the ability of the mother’s body to neutralize them, and the genetic resistance of the fetus.

4. FAQ: What is the significance of the neural tube in prenatal development?

  • Answer: The neural tube plays a crucial role in forming the central nervous system during prenatal development, serving as the foundation for the brain and spinal cord.

5. FAQ: How can securely attached infants benefit from their attachment to caregivers?

  • Answer: Securely attached infants often exhibit better compliance to authority, enhanced intellectual and social competence, improved coping skills, and the ability to form healthier peer relationships.




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