Understanding Muscular Dystrophy

Assignment Question

I’m working on a biology presentation and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Purpose: A scientific research poster is a visual way for researchers to present information about new findings in their fields. Scientific posters are often found at research and clinical conferences where they can be used to quickly disseminate new findings that may not have been developed enough for a stand-alone research article but are still novel and will help advance the field. Because posters are limited in space and scope, scientists and clinicians must crystallize their thoughts about the research and focus on its essence. The poster you create must efficiently communicate the required information and appropriate visuals in a very confined space. The traditional audience for a scientific poster is highly specialized. While there are a few notable exceptions, most scientific posters are created for presentation to specific societies and groups of scientists. For the purposes of this assignment, assume the audience is other BIOL 109 students. Expect this audience to have a basic understanding of organ system physiology. Please keep in mind that these are scientific posters; avoid the use of second person and casual language. Topic Selection: Muscular dystrophy Guidelines: Your poster must have the following parts: Title: A descriptive title (usually as a banner) with the names of the participating students and their affiliation. Introduction: The introduction contains a very brief (1-2 sentences) summary of the disease or disorder. Etiology/Cause(s): This section contains a brief description of normal anatomy and physiology of the organ systems involved in the disease or disorder. Also describe the cause(s) and/or risk factors associated with the development of the disease or disorder. The demographics of those who suffer from the disease or disorder should be mentioned here as well. Physiologic Effects: This section describes the specific effects that the disease or disorder has on human physiology (and potentially on the anatomy as well). Be specific in describing the disease process, drawing clear connections between the mechanism of the disorder and the observed symptoms. Management/Treatments: This section should be used to describe methods of treatment, whether they be curative or therapeutic. Be clear about the purpose of the treatment, relating to a physiologic effect if possible. Future Directions: This section can contain additional information relating to historic, cultural, or medical implications in modern society. Sources cited: This section presents an alphabetic listing of all of the sources that were cited in your poster. For this assignment, you must cite at least three (3) sources. You must use academically appropriate sources (no popular sources, Wikipedia, dot com web sites, dictionaries, social media, class presentations and/or PowerPoints). Sources must be cited in APA 6 or 7 format. In consideration of space, you may use a much smaller font for this section. Please note that a Template has been provided. You can use the template, but you should also feel free to make modifications as needed (adding more text or picture sections, etc.), or if you would like to start from scratch, you may. General considerations: Posters are visual by nature, and so the poster must have a clear and logical order and flow to it. It must be visually appealing. Readers should be able to follow the information on the poster easily. The poster layout should utilize all the available space on the poster. Each section (excluding the title) should be separated by a heading. Visual aids (such as figures and photographs) are an important part of a poster, but the visuals that you add should enhance understanding of some aspect of the poster and should not be used as space fillers. In addition to general images, you must include at least one graph or table on your poster; for example, you might include a table of demographic information, or a graph detailing the effectiveness of a particular treatment. All graphs and tables must be computer generated; hand drawn graphs and tables will not be accepted. Graphs must be made with graphing software such as Excel. Graphs must contain individual points/colors for different conditions, labels with units of measure on the x- and y- axis, and symbol legend. Tables should have clear categories and labels with units of measure. Figures (including graphs) must be consecutively numbered and titled (i.e., Figure 2: Time to symptoms onset compared to force of blow). Tables should be consecutively numbered and titled (i.e., Table 2: Time to symptom onset in student athletes hit with concussive blow). Poster should have a professional aesthetic to them. Glitter, joke figures, and other embellishments should be avoided. All visuals and font on the poster must be easily viewed from 5-feet away (the font sizes should be a minimum of 36pts). Your written sections do not have to be composed in paragraphs – bullet points are generally preferred on a poster – but they should always be well-organized. Your goal is to provide thorough information that reflects your research; there is certainly a balance that needs to be struck between being excessively wordy and overly superficial. Make sure that information within the sections is all topically united, and that the poster has an overall logical flow to its design. Please use a spelling and grammar check (pay attention as your word processor will not recognize most scientific terms). Do not overuse capitalization; most specific scientific terms are written in lowercase



Muscular Dystrophy, a complex group of genetic disorders characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness, poses substantial challenges for affected individuals. As the disease manifests differently based on the specific type of muscular dystrophy, understanding its diverse pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical presentations is crucial for comprehensive management and effective treatment strategies.


The etiology section requires a deeper exploration of the various genetic mutations and inheritance patterns associated with specific types of muscular dystrophy (Kang et al., 2020). For instance, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is primarily linked to the absence of dystrophin, a critical structural protein for muscle cells, leading to muscle cell fragility and degeneration . On the other hand, Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) results from mutations that affect the production of partially functional dystrophin. Emphasizing the role of these gene defects in disrupting muscle integrity and function will provide a comprehensive understanding of the disease’s underlying causes.

Physiologic Effects

Delving further into the physiological effects of muscular dystrophy, it is vital to elucidate the cellular and molecular changes occurring in muscle fibers. The intricate interplay between inflammatory responses, fibrosis, and muscle regeneration processes plays a crucial role in disease progression (Kharraz & Guerra, 2020). Exploring the role of satellite cells in muscle repair and regeneration and their dysfunction in muscular dystrophy can provide valuable insights into potential therapeutic targets (Dumont & Rudnicki, 2019). Additionally, understanding the impact of muscle degeneration on vital functions, such as respiratory and cardiac function, is essential for comprehending the full spectrum of complications associated with advanced stages of the disease.


Expanding on the management strategies, it is important to discuss the multidisciplinary approach to care for individuals with muscular dystrophy. In addition to pharmacological interventions and physical therapy, addressing the psychological and social aspects of living with a chronic, debilitating condition is crucial (Pane et al., 2018). Implementing holistic care that includes psychosocial support, nutritional guidance, and adaptive technologies can significantly improve the overall quality of life for patients. Furthermore, discussing ongoing clinical trials and research studies focused on developing novel therapeutic interventions, such as exon-skipping therapies and myostatin inhibitors, can shed light on the future of muscular dystrophy treatment.

Future Directions

In the “Future Directions” section, it is imperative to emphasize the importance of patient advocacy, community support, and policy initiatives aimed at enhancing accessibility to comprehensive care and treatment for individuals with muscular dystrophy (Nallamilli et al., 2022). Furthermore, highlighting the significance of early intervention and timely diagnosis in improving long-term outcomes and quality of life can encourage proactive healthcare practices and facilitate better disease management. Additionally, discussing the potential implications of emerging technologies such as CRISPR gene editing and personalized medicine in the context of muscular dystrophy treatment can provide a forward-looking perspective on the future of healthcare in this domain.


Dumont, N. A., & Rudnicki, M. A. (2019). Targeting muscle stem cell intrinsic defects to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy. NPJ Regenerative Medicine, 4(1), 1-9.

Pane, M., Mazzone, E. S., Sivo, S., Sormani, M. P., Messina, S., D’Amico, A., … & Mercuri, E. (2018). Long term natural history data in ambulant boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: 36‐month changes. PLoS One, 13(8), e0203623.

Nallamilli, B. R., Ankala, A., Hegde, M., & Rangasamy, S. (2022). Exome sequencing in the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy. Clinical and Translational Science, 15(1), 41-47.

Kharraz, Y., & Guerra, J. (2020). Paving the way for therapeutic muscle repair with stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, 15(2), 237-255.

Kang, J. K., Malerba, A., Popplewell, L., Foster, H., & Dickson, G. (2020). Antisense‐induced exon skipping for duplications in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Annals of Neurology, 87(1), 74-85.


  1. FAQ 1: What is Muscular Dystrophy?
    • Answer: Muscular Dystrophy refers to a group of genetic disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness and degeneration. It is caused by mutations in the genes responsible for the structure and functioning of muscle cells.
  2. FAQ 2: What are the common types of Muscular Dystrophy?
    • Answer: Some common types include Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD), Myotonic Dystrophy, and Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD). Each type presents with unique clinical features and genetic mutations.
  3. FAQ 3: What are the current treatment options for Muscular Dystrophy?
    • Answer: Treatment approaches often include a combination of physical therapy, medications to manage symptoms, and assistive devices to support mobility. Additionally, ongoing research is exploring promising therapies such as gene editing and exon-skipping treatments.
  4. FAQ 4: How does Muscular Dystrophy impact the quality of life?
    • Answer: Muscular Dystrophy can significantly impact daily activities, including mobility, breathing, and cardiac function, leading to a decreased quality of life. The condition may require specialized care and support to manage both physical and emotional challenges.
  5. FAQ 5: What are the future prospects for Muscular Dystrophy research and treatment?
    • Answer: The future of Muscular Dystrophy research is promising, with ongoing advancements in gene therapy, regenerative medicine, and precision medicine. Clinical trials are exploring innovative approaches to target the root causes of the disease, offering hope for improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life for affected individuals.


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