Describe your observations of the newspaper for the search term. List the name of the newspapers that you reviewed, and tell the search term you used.

Purpose : describe the characteristics of newspapers in frontier cities during the 19th century.

Instructions :

USE database

1. Using the “Search Pages” function near the top of the page, set the year requirements so that you are searching for newspapers during the frontier press era . You also may narrow the years to decades .

2. Enter a search term such as “expansion,” “Jefferson,” “assimilation” or any other word or phrase related to topics discussed in the online lectures about the frontier press.

3. After the results from the search populate, choose one newspaper that was published in a city west of the Mississippi River.

4. Review the newspaper, specifically the news item that mentions the search term. Examine the tone of the news item — that is, whether the newspaper expressed concern or opposition about the topic. If the news item is not substantial, in that it does not address the topic discussed in this module, choose another publication.

5. Look at the news page to see other news items that were published.

6. Describe your observations of the newspaper for the search term. List the name of the newspapers that you reviewed, and tell the search term you used.

7. Submit your response in a Word document, no more than one page, 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced.


Word document,

no more than one page,

12-point Times New Roman font,

double spaced.

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