What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals?Discuss

What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals?

Analytical Paper – 6 pages, double-spaced. A strong analytical paper must be clearly written, explore and connect the relevant readings, include proper citations, and demonstrate critical analysis.

You should provide a clear thesis statement presenting your argument near the beginning of your paper.

Citations must be included whenever you paraphrase (summarize) or quote from a source. As you will be expected to provide specific examples to support your arguments, all analytical papers should include citations. You are discouraged from using material outside the course (this is not a research paper), but if you do you must include full bibliographical information. In-text citation is acceptable for materials from the course, and should include the author and page number.

Confucius: The Analects
Translated by Ann-ping Chin
Publisher: Penguin Classics
ISBN: 978-0-14-310685-2

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