Does the UNSC Veto for P5 members contribute to or undermine international security and stability?

double-spaced and a maximum of 1500 words. You must utilise a minimum of 8 credible sources  in the paper. For your paper, provide an answer to the following question:

On February 25, 2022, The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Draft Resolution S/2022/155 called upon the Russian Federation to “…cease its use of force against Ukraine and shall refrain from any further unlawful threat or use of force against any UN member state.” This was vetoed by Russia, as is the right of all P5 members of the UNSC . In fact, this was one of a long list of vetoes by permanent members, stemming all the way back to the founding of the UN.

Does the UNSC Veto for P5 members contribute to or undermine international security and stability?

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