Invite students to create their own pattern using three different shapes at their table. Ask the students to show and explain their pattern to a classmate at their table.

Amanda Maldonado June 16, 2025

Lesson Plan # 1—Patterns with Manipulatives

Standard: 3A recognizes patterns in their everyday world

Grade: Kindergarten

Objective: Students will be able to create a pattern consisting of at least 3 different shapes.

(1) large bucket of assorted pattern blocks per table
(15) assorted large pattern block magnets for teacher demonstration
(25) pattern worksheets
(25) pattern-block templates
(1) large bucket of assorted jumbo Crayola crayons per table
Motivation: Teacher will enter the classroom wearing a shirt with patterns while defining the term “pattern”. The teacher will say, “a pattern is something that repeat. Look at my shirt, do you see any patterns?” Students will provide responses.

Perform the motivation. Show student a skill
Distribute pattern blocks.
Invite students to create their own pattern using three different shapes at their table.
Ask the students to show and explain their pattern to a classmate at their table.
Allow student an opportunity to PRACTICE the skill
Distribute worksheet and templates.
Ask students to create and color a different pattern using the pattern block template.
Assess the skill that you have shown and allowed practice for.
Evaluation: Teacher will collect and review the worksheets to determine if students were able to create a pattern consisting of at least 3 different shapes.

HIGHLIGTED information is NOT to be included on your lesson plan—it is there to explain the parts of the lesson plan.
The title “Sample Lesson Plan” should not be included either.

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