Using symptomatic meaning as the source of your thesis, research and artist vital to the making of the film? What was happening for the director or writer (or other artist) at this time in their career. How did that have an influence on the film?Explain


Using symptomatic meaning as the source of your thesis, research and artist vital to the making of the film? What was happening for the director or writer (or other artist) at this time in their career. How did that have an influence on the film?

Focus on the artist’s talent in addition to the film’s form and the effects it had on TWO other elements.

For example, if you chose a screenwriter, how did her/his writing affect the editing and the production design.


Type and double-space your paper: 750-1000 words (which is about 3-4 pages)
Include at least 1 Research Source – (apart from the class textbook, which you can use) and NOTHING from Wikipedia.
Cite your sources properly in MLA style: MLA Citations Link (Links to an external site.)
Include a Works Cited page in MLA style: MLA Works Cited Link (Links to an external site.)
Number the pages
Include your heading w/ which prompt you selected
Underline or italicize film titles.
Spell check and proofread your paper.
Title your essay with something original – don’t choose the name of the film or the artist you chose.

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