State how these variables are operationalized, i.e., how were the dependent variables measured? What was the conceptual definition of the independent variable and how wasit operationalized?

Read the ​Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment: A Summary Report​. Include a reference page in APA format.

1.State the five hypotheses examined in the study

2.Identify the independent and dependent variable(s) for each hypothesis

3.State how these variables are operationalized, i.e., how were the dependent variables measured? What was the conceptual definition of the independent variable and how wasit operationalized?

4.Define and discuss the validity (i.e., face, criterion-related) of the dependent measures

.5.Describe the setting for the experiment including the demographics of the population, thestudy area, and the police officers.

6.Outline the procedures used by the researchers to conduct the study, i.e., how were thebeats divided up? What steps were taken to collect the data for each measure?

7.State the research design used (it differs for each of the dependent variable measures).8.What are the major findings (briefly – a few sentences)?

9.Define and discuss the validity of the study (internal, external, construct, statisticalconclusion).

10.Discuss any ethical concerns in the study.

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