Please type your responses in point form into the editable boxes below.
Do not include block quotes in the editable boxes below.
Include two quotations with proper referencing, and two relevant images (an image can be a graph, map, photograph, painting, flow chart, sketch, etc.) with captions and proper referencing at the very end of this document or you may upload a second Word file to Brightspace with this information.
Make sure to save your file(s) with your name! (e.g. “Paper Outline 1_John Smith” and “Paper Outline 2_John Smith”)
1. Working title of your paper
The title of your paper should either state your research question or your thesis.
Some examples:
“How are the needs of human users balanced with or conflicting with the ecological integrity of Banff National Park?”
“Between the mountains and Second Cup: Banff National Park, Ecological Integrity and Human use”
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