Should the English colonies seek independence from Great Britain? Use this question to develop your statement. Your answers this question. One paragraph.

HIST 1301 PBE: Mastery Assessment 3 Essay Prompts
Prompt 3: American Independence
Colonial calls for independence from Great Britain were political, economic, and
often personal. Samuel Adams (left image) of Boston, MA and Patrick Henry
(right image) of Virginia were leaders of the independence movement. Read their
arguments and use these sources, plus those you find on your own, to write an
argumentative essay calling for American independence.
1. Should the English colonies seek independence from Great Britain? Use this
question to develop your statement. Your answers this question. One
2. Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source of
your choosing to support your thesis. 4-5 paragraphs.
3. Finally, write your warrant . Explain why your evidence supports
your thesis. One paragraph.
• Sources: These should be cited an article on a website.
o Samuel Adams: “On American Independence”
o Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

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