Who was Martha? What population was the article about? Describe the sample size. What were the 4 different profiles of participants?

Initial Due NLT Mar 25. Utilize 250 words.
Response Response to one peer. Due NLT Mar 29. Utilize 150 words. Include 1 reference.
Eight Theories

Viktor Frankl
Explore https://viktorfranklamerica.com/Links to an external site.
What is the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy?
History of the institute.
What is logotherapy?
Who is Viktor Frankl?
Be sure to include how you would apply the theory of meaning to practice for one or more of the following: a newly diagnosed paraplegic, patient with a new HIV diagnosis, or a widow who lost their spouse they had been with for 50 years.
Search for Meaning
Examine Vanhooren et al. (2015) article. Search for Meaning for Prisoners.pdf
Who was Martha?
What population was the article about?
Describe the sample size.
What were the 4 different profiles of participants?
How might a nurse working with that population apply the theory of meaning to practice?
Watson’s Caring Theory.
Examine https://www.watsoncaringscience.org.
Tell us who Jane Watson is
What are the 10 caritas processes?
What is Watson’s Caring Science Institute?
Read the article titled, Caring Science and Moral Distress in Nurses during COVID-19 PandemicLinks to an external site.

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