If the belief is that the act will result in the greatest utility for the greatest number of people, the act is good. Should police officers, prosecutors, and probation officers be deontological, teleological, or a little of each? Explain your answer.


A deontological ethical system, such as ethical formalism, says that if an act or intent is inherently good (coming from a good will), it is still considered a good act even if it results in bad consequences. A teleological ethical system, such as utilitarianism, judges the consequences of an act. The saying “the end justifies the means” is a teleological statement. If the belief is that the act will result in the greatest utility for the greatest number of people, the act is good. Should police officers, prosecutors, and probation officers be deontological, teleological, or a little of each? Explain your answer.

Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice

10th edition

Joycelyn M. Pollock

ISBN: 978-1-337-56093-1

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